Iowa FIND Project
The Fulfilling Iowa's Need for Dentists (FIND) Project award recipients agree to practice dentistry in a designated dentist shortage area and devote at least 35 percent of their practice to elderly, disabled, and other underserved patients over a five year period, with at least 15 percent of those patient visits being Medicaid-enrolled patients. In return, award recipients receive student debt loan repayment from Delta Dental of Iowa. The FIND Project is a collaborative effort with Delta Dental of Iowa, the Iowa Area Development Group, the Iowa Department of Public Health, and the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics.
More information can be found on the Iowa FIND Project website.Testimonials

Hear from IDA members Dr. Maria Fuller and Dr. Kent Downing on why they chose to practice in rural Iowa and how FIND helped them.
Success & Growth | Dr. Maria Fuller
The FIND Program | Dr. Kent Downing
Award Recipients
- Dr. Cassie Berens
- Dr. Daniel Binkowski
- Dr. Christopher Bogue
- Dr. Anthony Brantner
- Dr. R. Louie Ching, Jr.
- Dr. Ames Cross
- Dr. Eric DeBoef
- Dr. Carolyn Duong
- Dr. Bryn Ealy
- Dr. James Enloe
- Dr. Annalee Fencl
- Dr. Maria Fuller
- Dr. Ryan Hajek
- Dr. Sunny Hamilton
- Dr. Travis Harbaugh
- Dr. Michael Hemming
- Dr. Jarod Johnson
- Dr. Adrienne D'Agostino Kane
- Dr. Kali Kircher
- Dr. Carla Kucirek
- Dr. Steven Leifker
- Dr. Karla Maher
- Dr. Lori Mason
- Dr. Matthew Merideth
- Dr. Roberto Moreno
- Dr. Melanie Norton
- Dr. Ryan Oetken
- Dr. Paul O'Kane
- Dr. Nathan Olson
- Dr. Abbie Otto
- Dr. Kristi Ouderkirk-Bock
- Dr. Matthew Pyfferoen
- Dr. Dan Scarrow
- Dr. Mysty Shaver
- Dr. Alison Shields
- Dr. Jacob Sorensen
- Dr. Kaci Vela
- Dr. Alexander Walls
- Dr. Matthew Wettach
- Dr. William Wever II
- Dr. Brad Williams
- Dr. Kimberly Zimmerman