IDPAC Frequently Asked Questions
Which Political Party Does IDPAC Support?
IDPAC is bipartisan and supports candidates, regardless of party, who will help advocate for dentists and dentistry in Iowa.
Who Does IDPAC Donate To?
IDPAC donates to candidates running for state-level offices in Iowa with a focus on incumbents. Contribution decisions are based on a number of factors, including:
- History of public advocacy for dentistry
- Voting record on issues important to dentists
- Pro-dentistry stance on current issues related to the profession and patient care
- Likelihood of election or reelection
All IDPAC donations stay in Iowa, and support Iowa candidates!
Who Decides Which Candidates Receive IDPAC Funding?
Contribution decisions are made by the IDPAC Board, working in conjunction with the Iowa Dental Association’s Executive Director and government relations team.
I Already Give to Political Candidates. Why Should I Support IDPAC?
While all political donations matter, giving to IDPAC amplifies your voice as a dentist. By bundling the donations of dentists from across the state, IDPAC stands out among the crowd. It’s a way to demonstrate our commitment to dentistry’s causes to both candidates and outside interest groups. PACs make a statement.
Why Do Iowa’s Dentists Need a PAC?
- Large state and national corporations—including insurance companies and their associations— have lobbyists at the Iowa Statehouse. These groups have vast resources, deep pockets, and an interest in cutting costs, slashing dental benefits, and otherwise getting between dentists and their patients. IDPAC defends your interests as a healthcare provider and the interests of your patients.
- By participating in IDPAC, you have the opportunity to send a message about dentistry’s key role in the health of Iowans, while supporting leaders who offer innovative solutions.